sterowniki plc
...grace of the church. In other words, use a condom and go to hell. [...] There are even moves for women who refused to use condoms on religious grounds and were infected with HIV by their husbands to be regarded as martyrs for the Catholic faith. [...] But there’s also evidence that a pragmatic approach is being taken by some Catholic clergy working on the front line of HIV service delivery. Speaking at a UNAIDS press conference in London prior to the 2004 International AIDS Conference, Dr Peter Piot, head of UNAIDS and himself a Catholic, provided an example of such pragmatism. He described meeting Catholic nuns in southern Africa who were distributing condoms to women. When Dr Piot asked them how they could distribute condoms in defiance of official Vatican teaching, one of the nuns replied "Rome is a long way away".
Temat: Zapper Becka
...amerykański magazyn Science News zamieścił raczej zdumiewający artykuł który stwierdzał iż âœzappowanie wirusa AIDS niskonapięciowym prądem elektrycznym może niemal wyeliminować jego zdolność do infekowania ludzkich białych ciałek w warunkach laboratoryjnych. Odkrywcy tej metody, dr W. Lyman i dr S. Kaali z Akademii Medycznej im. Alberta Einsteina z Nowego Jorku zaprezentowali wcześniej wyniki swoich badań na sympozjum naukowym (an AIDS conference, Washington DC, March 14, 1991). Tak jak oni to ujmują, prąd elektryczny (50-100 mikroamperów) nie niszczy bezpośrednio wirusów. On upośledza otoczkę proteinową wirusa w taki sposób iż uniemożliwia to wirusowi wytwarzanie reverse transcriptase (nie wiem jak to powiedzieć po polsku) który jest mu niezbędny do do wniknięcia do wnętrza ludzkiej komórki. I tak biedny wirus oddany zostaje na pastwę naszego systemu...
Temat: Express Yourself Version 3.0
...on and my eyes were all sore and dry and with pus dripping all over and I only figured out why when I was going to put the contacts on and realised they were not where they were supposed to. Funny thing is, I've worn contacts for 6 years now and I see terribly without them or glasses so how in the heck did I think I wasn't with anything on? :| My subconscious is sending me blurry images of my house when I'm not paying attention... And aaaaaargggggghhhhhh I was in a HIV/ AIDS conference at my college today, from 5pm to 9pm... Without eating!!! How am I still alive? GAWD! :erk: Now I'm horribly tired and sleepy but I still have to arrange the rest of the Genetics presentation for tomorrow and prepare my 2,5 minute speech and have to wake up at 8am. And I wanna see America's Next Top Model in... 2 minutes. (a) Decisions, decisions...